I’m a loving pet owner with a 12 yr old Morkie (who is dying from prostate …

I’m a loving pet owner with a 12 yr old Morkie (who is dying from prostate cancer$ and a Yorkie puppy (who we got before the cancer diagnosis). Interested in how to know signs of imminent death or the need to euthanize. Also, tips on keeping the Yorkie’s “puppy-ism” from causing the Morkie to be overwhelmed with fear, discontent, concern, feeling outcast.

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1 month ago

Hey there. I’m so sorry to hear about this. It’s not easy, watching our pets go slowly. After Dr. Magnifico posted about this awhile back, I had a list of Things my cat liked to do. As the list shrank, I knew we were closer and closer to letting him go. My list included eating, drinking, cuddling, playing, etc. I would make a similar list for your dog, and monitor based on that. For the puppy, I would honestly keep them separate when pup is acting like a puppy. This could be as simple as tethering him to someone when… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Laura