I’m seeing articles popping up online stating that plastic storage containers for dog food are …

I’m seeing articles popping up online stating that plastic storage containers for dog food are bad because of air getting to the food and causing bacteria. Is this true?

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

I’ve seen the same in human health too. I’ve heard (and I’m not an expert on this) that it’s especially concerning if left in sunlight, high temps or in the container for extended periods of time. In general I will say that I try to avoid plastic. I prefer ceramic or stainless steel. I keep my pets food in the bag in a wooden feed bin with a lid. I clean it out every few weeks to keep the spilled food from attracting bugs.
Xox to Axle and the family. (I think that’s you. Hope so).

5 years ago

I keep all dog food in my house inside cat litter bins in their original bags, if possible. I’ve also been known to transfer to smaller bags (since we get the BIG bags). In the latter situation, said bags always have zip seals and are thrown away once empty. We keep the bins out of the sunlight and clean THEM regularly, too, to ensure no old food remains.