I’m taking care of a Siamese who’s over 10, an indoor/outdoor cat. I did …

I’m taking care of a Siamese who’s over 10, an indoor/outdoor cat. I did a cbc & chem bloodwork. His BUN is only slightly elevated. His issue is throwing up daily, weight loss, & diarrhea. His vomit is undigested food & liquid. He eats very little wet food & his owner just feeds all of them the worst dry food. I give him sq fluids as needed & started cerenia. Yet this is not treating the underlying cause. Does anyone have any advice on this? I have vet bills for my cows & my cats. Yet i still want to help all the animals I can. I obviously have very little money to help though. Thanks

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, Thank you for helping. I honestly feel like the best course of action right now is to get a diagnosis. Even a presumptive one. For this I think you should do the following. Find a cat vet or a very reputable vet that you trust for an exam. And then I would talk about checking the thyroid a fecal and probably also a urinalysis. For most of the cases lien this I just feel that I need a full set of basic diagnostics before I can begin to offer treatment plans. Otherwise I am eating precious time guessing and… Read more »