My cat is a 4 year old castrated male who is very healthy. When…

My cat is a 4 year old castrated male who is very healthy. When we found him he was scared but otherwise fine. He and his brother were vaccinated yearly till last October when I decided it was not necessery. Thank you in advance

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8 years ago

depending on what worries you, he may be fine.  vaccines *may* remain in the system longer than their recommended length of time.  i’d get him to the vet to make sure he’s OK and maybe discuss titers with your vet.

Kelly Furgason
Kelly Furgason
8 years ago

A vet check would be good..Even indoor cats should be vaccinated for minimum rabies vaccine–for cases like this when “indoor” cats escape, it is important to have rabies up to date.
Your vet can pull blood and get titers checked to see if they are ok w/vaccines if you don’t want to re vaccinate
good luck!!