Can my indoor cats get fleas?

Can my indoor cats get fleas?

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Christina Chambreau
Christina Chambreau
10 years ago

Indoor cats can get fleas. Often, though, people think that because a cat is itching that they have fleas. There are two ways to discover if your cat has fleas – one is to see the fleas themselves, often on the thinner hair of the belly. The other is to look for the black gritty debris that seems like coffee grounds, often on the back just up from the tail or behind the ears on the neck. To be sure it is not dirt, put the debris on a damp white cloth – if it turns red it is definitely… Read more »

Kelly Furgason
Kelly Furgason
10 years ago

Yep, fleas can find their way into your home . Many ways this is possible, visiting friends and family coming into your home may be coming from a home with pets that have fleas and the fleas simply hitch a ride with them. You can track fleas into your home if you’ve gone in a location where other pets have been, fleas can hitch a ride on your clothing and hop off when you get home. Fleas are great at location hopping. Also if you have carpet in your home and have had pets with fleas before, flea eggs can… Read more »