Hi Dr. Magnifico. You are our vet to our indoor cats. Last week, we brought…

Hi Dr. Magnifico. You are our vet to our indoor cats. Last week, we brought in a feral cat that was roaming our neighborhood. Turns out, he is pretty friendly, allows petting and belly rubs. On Monday June 19th, I took him to Animal Rescue, Inc., to be neutered, a rabies shot, and flea control. They also checked for a microchip (none), and I paid to have blood work done to have him tested for feline leukemia. Unfortunately, he tested positive for FIV. I would like to find him a home. I have two questions. Do you know anyone willing to give a home to a big orange friendly male tabby cat, or is there anything you can do to help? Maybe doing a courtesy post on your facebook page? I asked Animal Rescue and was told to put him back outside since he is now neutered. I was shocked they said that, as he could infect other ferals. We are currently keeping him in our basement and I just noticed a tapeworm coming out of his anus. My second question is, can you prescribe a tapeworm medication, without me having to bring him in, since he is FIV feral, and just went thru so much at Animal Rescue? My husband can pick it up after work. If not, can you recommend an over the counter medication to treat tapeworms? I am hoping whatever it is, that it will be something easy to give, maybe something I can put in his food that is tasteless. Thank you. Terri

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7 years ago

Hello, When our animal shelter takes in feral cats that turn out to be FIV positive we still let them back to their usual place, if they are truly feral and otherwise healthy. Nothing would be worse for them than to be contained for the rest of their live, always stressed out and afraid. However if they turn out to be friendly, like yours and like to be touched etc. we try to find a new home – however still with the option to go outside, if they turn out to be not lucky inside. Before doing so of course… Read more »