Is it Normal for a puppy to limp after getting a dose of calcium injected in …

Is it Normal for a puppy to limp after getting a dose of calcium injected in it’s leg?
Today was his vet’s appointment for a dose of calcium injection.
He’s a 3 months old Alsatian German Shepherd.
Unfortunately , I was picking up his litter to throw it and meanwhile he chewed a stone and gave a loud cry. I immediately came to him and stroked his fur,n Soon , his mouth was dripping so much blood! I immediately took him to the vet , who treated his wounds. Now he’s completely fine.
But after 3 hours of the dose , he started to limp (in the leg in which the dose was injected).
I asked a friend , who has taken care of many dogs! He said it’s completely normal as the dose of calcium is a bit strong and that he’ll be fine when he wakes up in the morning.
But I wanted to double check.
Please answers asap.

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Please call the vet who gave the injection. And if he is not acting normally or continues to lip past 12-24 hours go back to the vet to have him seen. I hope he is ok.