For how long shall I isolate my parvo puppy from her younger mate? She has…

For how long shall I isolate my parvo puppy from her younger mate? She has her own room with a balcony upstairs, while the other pup lives downstairs. She’s sick from last Monday and I’m planning to isolate them for at least 1,5 week more.

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Anna K
Anna K
9 years ago

So 2 more weeks. I don’t know if I’m doing things right, but always after leaving my isolated pup I change clothes and take shower (and force others to do so) so as to keep the little one safe. Is there something I can do more? I’m planning to bleach the upstairs tomorrow (last time I bleached the floors in the entire house was Friday).

Anna K
Anna K
9 years ago

Unfortunately not yet! Our Golden began 7th week yesterday and lab 9th (they were rescued), but vet told me last week that for vaccination both of them should be healthy. Therefore, I’m going to contact the clinic about this matter in the morning. What bugs me is Golden’s negative test result, which I hope was false negative as he developed all of the symptoms (yellow diharrea -> green -> Yellow + fresh blood and mucus -> dark brown. Now the stool is brown, some parts are darker, but the consistency is more solid / vomitting at the beginning, lethargy, refusing… Read more »