IVDD – Beagle My 9 year old beagle is displaying symptoms of IVDD. Currently he is still …

IVDD – Beagle
My 9 year old beagle is displaying symptoms of IVDD. Currently he is still able to walk. He holds up a paw when he stands but does have pain in the neck area. He has been displaying these symptoms for a month. This is the third times he has had issues with this leg which we always assumed was so sort of sprain and was helped by rest. The nuroligst wanted to do an emergency MRI and possible surgery if the MRI confirmed IVDD. However, his symptoms don’t seem nearly as bad as other have expressed. Is surgery really the way to go if I can afford it to help him heal the quickest? I want him to heal as quickly as possible, but I am nervous that the surgery seems risky. Any advice?

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello,, I can only answer this as an “in general” answer. I dont know your pup and therefore I cannot provide much help in providing the kind of answered tailored to your pup like your vet, or your neurologist can. We do believe, in general, that pets who with an acutely ruptured disc will have a better prognosis than those who do not. This does not remove the risk of surgery or general anesthesia, but, it doesnt allow the disc to stay impeding the spinal cord and acting like a crushing tourniquet. I have seen some pets do amazing after… Read more »