I’ve just gotten a kitten about 3 months ago and he is extremely clingy and…

I’ve just gotten a kitten about 3 months ago and he is extremely clingy and dependent on me. He wont do anything without me having to be present. Is there anything wrong with him?

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Dawson Crawford
Dawson Crawford
8 years ago

the thing is, he wont eat unless im next to him. And i have school studies.

Eboni Wright
Eboni Wright
8 years ago

buying kitten formula would be great at this age , also theres nothing wrong maybe he or she was a runt and never had such a owwner like yourself . i study dog not cats much so i wouldint know much to tell you . 

Craig Ogle
Craig Ogle
8 years ago

Sorry to tell you U really need to just do your studies and don’t worry he will eat when he gets hungry its like cuttin the apron strings early keep telling him you got food in your bowl go eat