Juno is a 4 year old purebred Cane Corso. She developed a red lump on her snout …

Juno is a 4 year old purebred Cane Corso. She developed a red lump on her snout about 6 months ago. We reached out to our vet about 3 months ago when we realized it was not going away on its own as previous ones have done. He did not seemed concerned with it and prescribed 1000mg per day of the antibiotic cephalexin (spelling) and advised us to contact him after one full week with updates. Nothing changed. He prescribed her three weeks of a gradual weaning steroid (Prednisone) which she completed 4 days ago. No improvement. Today we noticed the same red lump on one of her nipples. They do not seem to bother her if touched and she does have another appointment next week. Any insight in the meantime would be greatly appreciated.

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Krista Magnifico
2 years ago

I would guess it is a histiocytoma. But it is just a guess until it is removed and submitted for biopsy. A biopsy is the best way to diagnose a lumpy or a bump definitively.