Just wondering what your thoughts are on giving a 12 year old dog full round of yearly …

Just wondering what your thoughts are on giving a 12 year old dog full round of yearly vaccines? There seems to be a lot of different opinions. Also, I just paid almsot 19.00 for 1 month HW preventative..I am waiting on 1 year shot next month, but needed 1 dose until they could do that. It seems pretty high to me, so just wondering. Thank you

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4 years ago

Good morning-
I think that you should discuss this with your primary vet. We recently lost one of our GSDs in July. He was 14 and in failing health, so he did not receive his last round of vaccinations in April. But prior years, he was still getting all of his vaccinations as he was in fairly good health.

Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

I agree with Sarah. It is very much case dependent. Every vaccine should be discussed and scrutinized at every exam. Only do what is needed and only if the patient is well and has a potential risk of exposure. In some cases we split up the vaccine load. Ie we spread them out over months. Or omit if no longer necessary. But remember the old and the young are probably those who are at greatest risk of acquiring disease.