I have a 6 week old kitten that developed severe diarrhea 5 days ago. I…

I have a 6 week old kitten that developed severe diarrhea 5 days ago. I took her to the vets 3 days ago. Stool culture positive for coccidia. She has been on treatment for 3 days with no improvement. Her rectal area is raw. She is eating and drinking but obviously does not feel well. I have been bathing her and putting Desitin on her rectal area per my vets recommendation. Shouldn’t she be getting better by now?

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6 years ago

I would call the vet in the morning and let them know your concerns. Ask if there is anything else that you could be doing and you might want to ask if there is some supplement that you could give to her food-wise too. Good luck

Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Yes. If I would expext rhat if the cias wit the diarrhea was singularly the parasites that she would be better. In cases like these I usually recommend “playing” with the formula. Powder versus liquid replacer and trying to add more water vs less formula. I would also talk to the vet about checking another fecal sample for parasites and even switching to a kitten food. Even a different kind of food can help. If it’s not parasites it’s the diet. That’s my usual treatment plan for theee guys. Good luck. Please let us know what happens