So, we have a kitten about 4 to 5 months. We noticed that for the…

So, we have a kitten about 4 to 5 months. We noticed that for the past couple of weeks, his stomach grows bigger and bigger. Now, his rear legs and tail are paralyzed. So, he walks with his two front legs and drags his rear legs. Also, he would always eat whenever we give him food. However, we noticed that he haven’t urinated or discharged. We would put him inside a box, so he could sleep. As he tries to sleep, his hands would shake every now and then. We also noticed that his heart beats fast sometimes, even when he’s sleepin’. And, he doesn’t have any voice when he speaks. I don’t know if it’s odd that he kneads and purrs, especially with his condition. So, today’s his 3rd day and nothing have changed. I tried lookin’ for any reasons behind his condition or what it’s called, but I couldn’t find any. We couldn’t bring him to the vet, especially because of the weather right now here. And, my Dad thinks it’s expensive and it would cost a lot of money if we bring him to the vet.

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Aleia Samonte
Aleia Samonte
9 years ago

Alright, thank you so much.

Aleia Samonte
Aleia Samonte
9 years ago

Well, his stomach becomes a bit smaller now. And, he had urinated and defecated yesterday. Also, we saw his legs moved one time.

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Hello Alya

This cat needs a Vet URGENTLY right now!!! hes in critical condition and you cannot leave him suffering like this.

His stomach is probably full of urine if he hasn’t urinated….leave him much longer and his bladder will burst.

Take him to a Vet now…emergency.I’m sorry but you should not have pets if you are not prepared to give them the correct care. Its cruel to leave your cat in pain. VET NOW. 

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

And you still haven’t taken him to the Vet?? Whether hes urinated or not this kitten is in pain! Hes paralysed!! How long are you going to leave him suffering? I’m sorry but when you get a pet it’s your responsibility to mske sure its in good health and has medical care when needed. Please! Take this cat to the Vet!!!!