My kitten is around 10-12 weeks old now (last measured weight a few days ago…

My kitten is around 10-12 weeks old now (last measured weight a few days ago is 2.6 lbs).
She usually eats a mix of dry and wet kitten food.

Two days ago, we introduced only dry food for her to nibble around and also giving her the wet and dry mix. But she’s eating very less of the wet and dry food (but I know she’s occasionally nibbling on the dry because we leave it out). I’m a new pet owner and concerned that maybe she’s not fulfilling the daily quota of calories. Also, the weather has suddenly been very rainy in the previous 2 days so she has been sleeping a lot but very active after she’s woken up. I’ve called the vet but he says as long as she’s active and eating a spoonful of dry at a time, she’s fine. Need help.

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Rimzim Basu
Rimzim Basu
8 years ago

Hi Krista, Thanks for replying. She’s going to have her 3rd vaccine on Wednesday. She doesn’t look starved. I wish I could attach a picture of her here. She’s wrestling and running around as usual. But I can’t see her eating so often 🙁 Also the dry food that we are using says that we should feed a 10-12 weeks old kitten around 90 gms of dry per day. She’s not even going to half of it for the past two days after she’s eating only dry. The vet said dry food can be high in calories and heavy, so… Read more »

Rimzim Basu
Rimzim Basu
8 years ago
Rimzim Basu
Rimzim Basu
8 years ago

Thanks a lot Krista. Cats are weird! Her appetite is coming back slowly, I think! 🙂 Let’s hope it stays that way!

Rimzim Basu
Rimzim Basu
8 years ago

Also, I wanted to ask why my kitten jumps on my lap and then she’ll bite my clothes off. I mean, she’ll bite my tummy bulge a little too along with that. When I try to ger her off, she’ll bring out her claws and try to bite, all the while on my lap. At other times, she sleeps on my lap peacefully. This is really strange.