My kitty is 8 weeks old, a Himalayan Breed a male as his name is…

My kitty is 8 weeks old, a Himalayan Breed a male as his name is Rocco. We took him to the vet after a couple days we was doing bad, as he was very lethargic, not eating, and weight loss. As the vet, recommended us to get a ultrasound for the kitty since he has a heart murmur problem as the vet can see he’s low on fever, blue lining in the gums… Anyonr on here experienced something like this with their kitties/(not sure if pups have the same concept and kitties). I’ve been really down lately, not knowing what to do, and would love to hear from others. Thank you.

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Angelina Grande
Angelina Grande
6 years ago

Hi, Krista I can definitely provide more information! All I know his mother is negative for Fel/FIV. However, recent Tuesday we took him to the vet for the first time after getting him after a week and two days.. but during that time he was doing well and normal he ate regularly, played all the time like a crazy kitty would and then fall asleep that was his kind of routine for the first three days, then all the sudden got very sleepy, loss of energy, didn’t wanna eat/drink, and stoped playing and noticed by day he was getting a… Read more »

Angelina Grande
Angelina Grande
6 years ago

Let me know what have to say, I would appreciate it so much. I’ve been worrying a lot lately. Thank you once again.

Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Is there anyway you can provide more information? Had blood work been done? FeLV/FIV status? Etc. ??

Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Hello, I’m sorry for the delay. I don’t rhink there is enough information to help guide your much. If your cat is not doing well o strongly suggest that you seek more help from your vet or ask for a referral to a feline specialist. I think that part of the dilemma here is that we aren’t sure how severe the murmur is and how much this is influencing the current condition of your kitty. In general I think more tests and answers are needed to help guide you to help youe Cat feel better. I advise you get more… Read more »

6 years ago

I agree with Krista, try to get more help. Hear murmur in kittens cat be traeted. They may need an heart-ultrasound the see the cause of the murmur and to choose the right medication. When he’s better he may start to eat enough on his own again.

We syringe-feed kittens with a mixture of hills a/d food and kitten formula. They usually accept it very well and gain weight properly.

You may want to try and look for a second opinion, if your current vet doesn’t help any further.