Large lumps under bottom 4 nipples. Female 1 y.o only had 1 cycle. They have…

Large lumps under bottom 4 nipples. Female 1 y.o only had 1 cycle. They have only just become lumpy , we first though hormonal changes or her second cycle but they haven’t gone down after 2 weeks. No discharge, no pain on palpating and my dog is completely normal, eating and drinking well. Going to go to the vet but can’t sleep because I have read some nasty stuff. What do you think?

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Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

I would suggest going to the vet for an exam. I would also expect that they can’t tell you exactly what’s going on without a biopsy of the masses. But it might help to reduce the chances of some of them being mammary tumors by spaying her. Good luck. Don’t lose sleep just head to the vet. I don’t think this is an emergency but try to go in the next few days. Let us know what they say.