Hi. My dog has been puking for three days. Mostly at night after he has…

Hi. My dog has been puking for three days. Mostly at night after he has drank a couple gulps of water, but always after drinking. He has been to the vet where he was given a penicillin-like medicine that’s white and came with a syringe as well as some pills for nausea. The problem is that my family will be leaving for a cruise soon and this includes close relatives so he will have to stay at a kennel or something. What should I do? Can they take him if he’s sick like this? I’m extremely worried.

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8 years ago

Honestly, I wouldn’t leave while my dog’s that sick.  But that’s just me…this is why I get vacation insurance.

Call the vet and talk with them about this.  They may have boarding options.