My parents have an 8 month old chihuahua that has always been very energetic, playful…

My parents have an 8 month old chihuahua that has always been very energetic, playful and loving. All of a sudden she became extremely lethargic, seems unbalanced, dry nose and she is constantly licking her chops and from time to time opens her jaw wide and paws at the inside of her mouth. It’s been a couple weeks now and she is not back to normal. She’s been to the vet twice and they can’t find anything. Could it be neurological or possibly something in her mouth they can’t find?

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Whitney Grim
Whitney Grim
9 years ago

Blood work and xrays came back normal and they did sedate her and check her mouth. The only other option is to find specialists and my parents just can’t afford it right now. Not sure what to do from here.

Kate McKelvie
Kate McKelvie
9 years ago

Did they check bloodwork, or consider sedation in order to explore the back of her mouth, soft pallet?  I would consider a second opinion, if not…