Just looking for advice before I contact the vet.

Just looking for advice before I contact the vet.

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Annie Sutton
Annie Sutton
8 years ago

Thanks I appreciate it she is urinating and deficiating she is also eating as I feed her every 2 hours I then put her back with the rest if the litter and this is when she starts to cry she also is very fidgetated can never stay still

Annie Sutton
Annie Sutton
8 years ago

Thanks I appreciate it she is urinating and deficiating she is also eating as I feed her every 2 hours I then put her back with the rest if the litter and this is when she starts to cry she also is very fidgetated can never stay still

Annie Sutton
Annie Sutton
8 years ago

Thankyou I will be contacting the vet in the morning

Andrea Cox
Andrea Cox
8 years ago

I would say the vet is a very good idea the sooner the better. Every litter I’ve every had from cats to rats to dogs and pigs. The runt rarely survived. But they usually were very sickly from day one. It is possible this little pup is off to a slow start but with a vets help it can be a survivor. Keep it warm and dont let it get picked on by the others. Good luck.