My little dog had a biopsy 10 days ago on her eyelid. The result…

My little dog had a biopsy 10 days ago on her eyelid. The result is that it is Necratic. I know this means dead tissue. May this be because she suffered from immune system illness and had to be transfused. Is it likely she may have cancer as my vet did hint at this. He has told me to keep a very close eye on her and not hesitate to call if she shows any signs of being unwell. Quite concerning.

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Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

I’m not sure what your question is? I think it sounds like you need more clarification from your vet on exactly what they found and what the long term fear might be. In general I have found most eyelid masses are benign. You can always ask for a referral to an ophthalmologist for further clarification and help. Best of luck. Let us know what happens.