I live in England and I have a Syrian hamster and I have built an…

I live in England and I have a Syrian hamster and I have built an outside cage- is it a good idea to put the hamster in it and for how long?

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Emma Willcocks
Emma Willcocks
8 years ago

Oh but a vet told me I could for an hour or so? If it was a safe place?

Dawesome Meltzington
Dawesome Meltzington
8 years ago

An hour should be fine as long as the weather is not to cold, or hot and there is a top to the cage to protect him from other animals. Also, is it is just to play, you can sit outside on the grass and let him run around on you as long as you are watching him carefully, but make sure it was not sprayed by pestisied or any other chemichal spray within 48 hours

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

Honestly as long as he is completely safe he will likely enjoy fresh air and sunlight, however, he may get this near an open window!  I like animals to go out but they  must be safe.  An hour should be fine.

8 years ago

I agree with Laura, hamsters don’t belong outside. If you want to give him more room to move outside his cage you can built him a safe area inside your room.

8 years ago

hamsters are not outside pets.  please keep him inside where he’s safe and in a climate-controlled environment.

8 years ago

i personally wouldn’t do it. too much predator risk.