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PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

Litter box training… Once you teach a dog to poop/pee in your house you can expect a life time of cleaning up “accidents” all over your house.  It doesn’t matter if it is pee pads at the door, or a litter box some where else in the house.  Once you teach a dog it is okay to soil his home all bets are off.  I once had a dog that was taught to relieve himself in the bathtub.  He grew up in a 5 story walk-up in NYC, so I assume they did this so they didn’t have to make… Read more »

8 years ago

Litterbox training a dog means they’ll use your house as a toilet.  Is there a reason you’re unwilling to walk the dog or let it out into a yard?

Bostons can be stubborn and very opinionated.  What is your experience with dog ownership?