Looking for personal advice as my husband got bit by a close friend’s parent’s …

Looking for personal advice as my husband got bit by a close friend’s parent’s dog yesterday unprovoked and it was a pretty aggressive bite. Her parent then told us he bit someone a month ago. I’m a nurse and am comfortable managing the wound, but as an animal lover and friend, I feel so guilty reporting it as I know what the outcome will be.

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1 year ago

So…I’m the owner of an unpredictable/aggressive(?) dog I purchased a year ago from the shelter, and I manage her interactions VERY closely to avoid bites. I would also not hesitate to euthanize her if she were to injure someone. She is a large dog and could do someone very serious damage, even kill a child if they happened to be the victim. My questions: What have the owners done to figure out the cause of the aggression? Is the dog up to date on vaccines(rabies, distemper both come to mind)? When was the last time they did bloodwork for things… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Laura
Krista Magnifico
1 year ago

Hello, I’m so sorry to hear about this. I totally understand your predicament. I would struggle too. From a legal and personal indifference standpoint your husband should go get medical care at a medical facility which will set a few things into motion. The note will be followed up by the appropriate authorities. From the emotional standpoint (and I am not going to lie I live here), it is hard to feel responsible for the actions of animal control intervention. With that the next person might be a child and this is hard to live with. I guess just follow… Read more »