Looking for a healthy dry food brand to feed 2 one year old cats. We…

Looking for a healthy dry food brand to feed 2 one year old cats. We we’re using Rachel Ray Chicken and Brown rice then their Indoor complete – Chicken with Lentils & Salmon. 1 likes it and the other tolerates it. I also feed 1 small can of Fancy Feast Medleys per cat in the evening as a treat. Thanks

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Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Hello, I should preface al of this by stating that I am not a nutritionist and all feeding plans should be discussed with your vet ans they know you and your cats best. Here’s what I do for my cats. I like science diet adult dry and I often give RR as a treat. I also lean more on the canned food as a better weight loss food for overweight indoor cats as it can be diluted with water and is higher in protein. Cats can have a hard time with dry food as it is often higher Ion carbs… Read more »