Looking for cool ball python enclosures, pre-built! Anyone got any suggestions? Already looking at the…

Looking for cool ball python enclosures, pre-built! Anyone got any suggestions? Already looking at the 36 x 18 x 18 Exo-Terra, that’s like the only one I can find that’s ~40+ gallons with nice width. Also, that being said, I’m not looking for anything smaller than 40 gallons, as I don’t really want to have to upgrade the tank because I’m creating a bioactive viv for a noodle that I’m rescuing. If anyone can respond with some links to purchasable tanks/terrariums that are somewhat wide and don’t have a lot of height, that would be a great help to my search! Thanks!

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Ben Miller
Ben Miller
6 years ago

Thank you so much! I would go for racks if I were a breeder, but I’m just planning to get a singular ball python for a pet. 🙂

6 years ago

Most snake people go with racks. I can ask a friend in Retics if he knows anyone who builds custom, but there will definitely be some lead time.

6 years ago

Then the exo-terra is most likely your best bet, based on where you’re located. Unless you’re willing to DIY, of course.