How lose it typically take for diarrhea from eating something wrong to resolve? (Dog, no…

How lose it typically take for diarrhea from eating something wrong to resolve? (Dog, no other symptoms)

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Christina Chambreau
Christina Chambreau
10 years ago

This is a prompt for you to learn some home care techniques that can help in any situation. Also a good prompt to buy some books on holistic care for dogs.  Then you will be able to help your dog quickly move through most problems.  I strongly recommend getting some training in understanding the wide range of approaches to health so you can be in charge of what you choose for treatments for your animals – given by you or by your integrative veterinarian. There are so many different ways to stimulate healing that you never need to give up… Read more »

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
10 years ago

I usually expect diarrhea to resolve within 24 hours, if it lasts more than that I take my pooch to the vet.  Are you sure he/she is not running a temperature?