My 1 year old cat has been lowering her body to the ground and raising…

My 1 year old cat has been lowering her body to the ground and raising her rear while crawling around on the ground and meowing and I was wondering if this means anything. [EDIT] A few hours later I found that she had gone to the toilet on my bed, something she has never done before. She’s still meowing constantly with no breaks.

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Xavier Thrift
Xavier Thrift
8 years ago

No, not yet.

8 years ago


from what you describe I would say she’s in heat. Definitly keep her inside until it’s over and get a surgery as soon as possible.
Here some vets may spay during heat, but the risk is higher due do more blood flow and such. So I would wait till it’s over and let her spay then.

8 years ago

She may be in heat if she is not spayed. Have you considered the surgery? I highly recommend it. Best of luck!

Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

Is she spayed?