Lucky is a 2-year old male kitty who was just hospitalized for a urinary block. He …

Lucky is a 2-year old male kitty who was just hospitalized for a urinary block. He was hospitalized for six days. He’s now home recovering. He refuses to drink water and his having a hard time peeing. Although he had to big pees today that took him awhile to squeeze out. I need to monitor his bladder. When I feel around, I can’t feel anything at any time. Can someone help me locate his bladder? I’m giving him water through a syringe every hour. And, I’m encouraging him to use the litter box at his usual peeing times. I’d like to know how to tell if his bladder is overly filled.

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Krista Magnifico
3 years ago

Hello, I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I would do the following. First call your get and ask for a tutorial from one of the technicians. We do this very often at our clinic. If they won’t help put out a plea on social media for an experienced vet tech or cat person who can help you. It will take a few weeks to get adept at this. I have a few videos to help. I’ll try to do more. I would also suggest you ask about learning how to give Sq fluids instead of syringe feeding by mouth.… Read more »