Lucy and Lacee were boarded over last weekend, Friday nite through Sunday. We picked them up …

Lucy and Lacee were boarded over last weekend, Friday nite through Sunday. We picked them up Sunday afternoon. Both have had their bordatella vaccinations. Thursday and Friday they both coughed a couple times. Today, Lucy is coughing a lot, not eating very much, and she seems a little lethargic. Lacee hasn’t gotten any worse and she is playing and eating. What do you suggest we do?

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Krista Magnifico
2 years ago

Dr Morgan works tomorrow from 1-3. If you are concerned she can see them. If they are acting normally and the cough isn’t worsening we usually say to just keep them quarantined and calm. But if the cough is worsening or they are lethargic or not eating then they should be seen.
Please remember to keep the dogs in the car until we are ready to see them just in case it is kennel cough which is contagious so we don’t spread it to any other dogs at the clinic.