I have a two year old male cat fixed happy loveable and seems completely healthy…

I have a two year old male cat fixed happy loveable and seems completely healthy eating fine drinking fine but is urinating blood in my bathroom sink i am on social security with no cash at this time what could it be and what can I do.

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Cheryl Cornell
Cheryl Cornell
9 years ago

He is urinating a real good amount to. I live in Rhode Island do you know of any organizations or vets that might be able to help?

Cheryl Cornell
Cheryl Cornell
9 years ago

I have his vet in Warwick but they well not see him on an IOU

Cheryl Cornell
Cheryl Cornell
9 years ago

Will do thank you

Cheryl Cornell
Cheryl Cornell
9 years ago

So I just went online and applied for care credit and contacted the aspca waiting to be contacted hope they call soon don’t want anything bad happening to my baby

Cheryl Cornell
Cheryl Cornell
9 years ago


Cheryl Cornell
Cheryl Cornell
9 years ago

He was diagnosed with a UTI and given amoxicillin and luckily he didn’t have any blockage they said he was pretty empty that he was urinating enough but that if he isn’t better soon they would like to do blood work its a shame how much money vets want just to walk in the door.

9 years ago

i’m so glad you took him in, and i’m so glad you got a diagnosis!

9 years ago

well, i would call YOUR vet first and discuss the problem. they’re the ones who have a working knowledge of your cat (they DO see your cat annually, right?) and are the best place to start.

9 years ago

unfortunately, urinating blood means he may have crystals or a blockage and this can be life threatening.  can you contact your vet and work out a payment plan, or maybe look into Care Credit?  this is something that needs to be resolved immediately, with no delays.

9 years ago

ask them for suggestions on where else you can go, or organizations that can help with cost deferral…and seriously, investigate Care Credit. it’s basically a credit card, and the first year is interest-free.

9 years ago

good luck, Cheryl. i hope you can get him help.