Why does my male cat have such stinky bowel movement? I can hardly stand…

Why does my male cat have such stinky bowel movement? I can hardly stand it. My female cat’s (his sister) bowel movement hardly stink and they eat the same flood and water.

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9 years ago

so, my tom has IBD.  it was a STRUGGLE to find something that worked with his system – if he’s eating something that doesn’t cooperate with his gut, he has house-clearing BMs and if left to run its course, ends up with a lot of bloody stool. it may honestly require a food change, and you may have to feed them separately.  i’d get him checked for any possible health problems – you never really know when something is just a little off with cats, since they never show it.  then i’d look into possible food changes. what do you… Read more »

Christina Chambreau
Christina Chambreau
9 years ago

This is a great example of how every person and animal have unique systems, especially digestive systems. some can be sensitive to one food and not another. The holistic approach is to see the stinky stool as one of the early warning signs of internal imbalance (see more at http://christinachambreau.com/learn-more/free-articles/early-warning-signs-of-ill-health). if any of the following suggestions helps, but you have to continue using them, you need to seek out the help of an integrative veterinarian. You can find links to all the organizations on my site under links.  Get a stool checked for parasites Add a really good probiotic (I love… Read more »