I have two cats both around the same age Sushi and Loki. I got Sushi…

I have two cats both around the same age Sushi and Loki. I got Sushi at 8weeks and Loki a week later at 10 weeks old. Sushi was playful and full of wonder. Loki was loveable and cuddly. After getting them both fixed, Loki started to pull away a little at a time. It’s been a year now and he don’t like to be touched,pet on,won’t cuddle. I don’t know what to do..help!

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Crystal Pfeiffer
Crystal Pfeiffer
8 years ago

They get along well they play and they groom each other. It’s Sushi will be cuddly and lovable but Loki nothing.

Crystal Pfeiffer
Crystal Pfeiffer
8 years ago

Thank you Christina I have a cousin who works in that field. I’m going to make a Call to her for Loki. Thank you I wouldn’t have thought about it.

Christina Chambreau
Christina Chambreau
8 years ago

Working with a holistic veterinarian or trying some holistic approaches at home can reverse the behavioral change that I feel was caused by the surgery or the anesthesia. Some animals are sensitive and do have serious reactions that I could not treat when I merely had my conventional treatment.  I strongly recommend finding an integrative veterinarian with whom to work. This is a person trained in many different approaches, including using conventional drugs only when absolutely needed. Working with one can increase the chance that your cherished companion can live a long and healthy life after recovering from this current… Read more »

Christina Chambreau
Christina Chambreau
8 years ago

I am so glad, Crystal.
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