how can you keep male dogs from peeing on furniture. the dogs have been…

how can you keep male dogs from peeing on furniture. the dogs have been fixed

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PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

Laura is right!  You have to limit their access to your home until they prove that they can be trusted.  I clean with vinegar – it neutralizes the urine odors – I start with 1/3 vinegar, 2/3 water.  If they try to mark that area again i use 100% vinegar and clean a wider area (at least 3 feet around the marked area) and deeper (check or replace padding under carpet, make sure you get down to the sub floor under hardwood, behind the baseboard, etc). And put a belly band on them while you are training – just to… Read more »

8 years ago

Training, training, training.  If they’re marking, keep them on a leash so they can’t get far – they haven’t earned the right to have full roaming privs in the house.  The second they start sniffing like they’re going to cock a leg, correct them.  Rinse, repeat.  Belly bands can help, but I wouldn’t rely on them to be your only training tool.

Also: CRATE when you cannot supervise, and clean the heck out of the furniture with an enzyme cleaner.