middle stage of urinary blockage of 7 year old neutered male ‘tux’ cat. I hasn’t …

middle stage of urinary blockage of 7 year old neutered male ‘tux’ cat.
He hasn’t peed in a day and very little before that, is very needy, but still reasonably active. His abdomen
Doesn’t feel hard but he isn’t well.
My last vet here retired and he’s such a horse I lagged finding another.
The local spay/neuter service has a vet but am not confident, nice folks that they are…
I got a tiny amount of Apple Cider Vinegar down him and have ordered the UTI Drops from amazon which should be here tomorrow but am quite worried.
It’s jut me and him now, we have outlived everybody.

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Krista Magnifico
1 year ago

These cases need to be addressed as a medical emergency. There is no safe advice I can give outside of seeing a vet and going from there