I accidentally gave my miniature schnauzer 1 25mg tablet of carprofen instead of 1/2. How…

I accidentally gave my miniature schnauzer 1 25mg tablet of carprofen instead of 1/2. How dangerous is this for my dog?

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Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Hope things are going well.

Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Are you a patient of Jarrettsville vet? I think that you are. If so please don’t give another dose for 24 hours. Also provide a meal if it was taken recently so that food is in the stomach. If there is any vomiting or diarrhea please come in tomorrow at 1245 to see me. I am at the clinic 1-3 tomorrow. If you need anything sooner you can email me or send a private message via our Jvc Facebook page.

Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Ok. Give him a small soft meal (wet food or watered down kibble) in a few hours. And then the same for breakfast tomorrow morning. But skip the am dose of the carprofen. Call me at the clinic while we are open if you need anything.