I have a 16 month old Shih Tzu who will not stop eliminating in her…

I have a 16 month old Shih Tzu who will not stop eliminating in her crate. She is a house dog so she has a spot in the house that she goes. She knows where this spot is and she will use it with no problem but as soon as I put her in the crate and walks away she will pee and poop in there instead of waiting. She also lays in it and steps in it and its so frustrating…any advice?

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8 years ago

She has been taught that inside the house = potty. That means *anywhere* inside the house. Eliminate the pee pads and start taking her outside every single time. Make the spot in the crate just large enough for her to lie down and turn around. Take her out every hour and praise her when she eliminates outside.

Also, thoroughly clean the crate with white vinegar and/or an enzyme cleaner.