I have a 6 month old, female border collie. We are having a hard…

I have a 6 month old, female border collie. We are having a hard time with food aggression, especially towards our two year old daughter. What can we do stop the food aggression?

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7 years ago

I agree with both dr. Magnifico and Laura. Please do not give up on your pup. Find a behaviorist/trainer that can help you in the right direction of what you need to be working on with your dog. Very best of luck to you.

7 years ago

I would involve a professional, someone who understands the breed quite well. If you’re in the US, I would go to the nearest chapter of the breed club: http://www.bordercolliesociety.com/affiliate-clubs/ I would also search Google for “Border collie club $YourState.” They’ll be able to refer you to a GOOD trainer for the breed. Feed your dog in the crate, to prevent stress at meals. If you don’t have a crate, now’s the time to get one. Step up your obedience training, too – remember, you have THE smartest breed on the planet, and your dog needs a job or she will… Read more »

Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

Hello, I’m sorry but these questions are often difficult to answer as they have a complicated and multifaceted evolution. Please ask your vet to guide you to a trainer who can come to your home and help understand the situation your dog lives in and the relationship they share with your family. In some cases this requires reestablishing boundaries and going back to basic obedience. Regardless always use positive reinforcement and understand that your dog is adapting to your family and there is a responsibility that you all have to helping her learn to be respectful and safe with your… Read more »