My 9 month old Labrador had some complications with his neuter surgery and ended up…

My 9 month old Labrador had some complications with his neuter surgery and ended up needing a Scrotal Ablation. What can I expect regarding recover from this? He was 7 days out from his neuter and now we are basically starting over. I’m not sure if the stitches are bothering him or what but when I take him out of his crate to use the bathroom/eat/stretch he keeps wanting to sit down.

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Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

I’m sorry to hear about your pup. These are all questions for your veterinarian. Please ask them to help guide you in what to expect and what to look out for. I would also inquire about an ecollar and follow up appointments. I usually recheck every 2-3 days for the first week or two.