My 7 month old neutered kitten keeps peeing on towels and blankets. He doesn’t have…

My 7 month old neutered kitten keeps peeing on towels and blankets. He doesn’t have a UTI-he was tested. We do our best to keep him out of the bathroom, so the towels are manageable, but it’s impossible to keep him away from the blankets. Help!

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Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

Hello, I wrote a ridiculously long answer, which seems to have disappeared into oblivion.. I suggested the following; 1. Never doubt the cat. They are always trying to tell us something, albeit, not always in the most socially pleasing manner. Trust they need you and listen to them. I always say that “if your cat had opposable thumbs they would write on the wall “HEY! MOM! I NEED ____” but instead they pee out of the box. 2. Do multiple urinalyses, not just one. Too often the answer lies in the second or third urine submitted. 3. There is a… Read more »

7 years ago

Have you tried a different litter in the box? The type of litter you are using may be part of the issue.

7 years ago

I agree with Sarah. Start with dirt in the box – that seems to attract cats. Slowly transition to a more normal litter.