i have a 5 months cane corso which has lately formed a lump on his…

i have a 5 months cane corso which has lately formed a lump on his left limb which i believe is caleed histiocytoma and now he is licking it to the point that it bleeds. does anyone know how to make it go away without surgery? also if it goes away will hair still grow in that area?

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Aly Elbatrawy
Aly Elbatrawy
8 years ago

well thank you so much

Jennifer Taylor
8 years ago

I would contact your Veterinarian or if your Vet is recommending surgery don’t hesitate to seek a second opinion. I happened to find a wonderful Vetrinarian whom I trust very much when surgery was recommended for a condition that my dog had. Best of luck!

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

I would recommend seeing your vet, they should be able to give you all options available for this mass. If you are not happy with your vets options get late second opinion.