I have a 10 year old daschundAbout 4 months back she had her tumor operated…

I have a 10 year old daschundAbout 4 months back she had her tumor operated and was fine for about 3 months, but for the past 1 month she has been vomiting and feeling low.She even has a appetite loss and is feeling quite low.Her breathing has also increased a lot.When shown to the vet he injected her 3times and even asked us to give her enzymes for appetite loss. There’s still no positive sign.Please suggest me what should I do, as we love her a lot.

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Julie Brader
7 years ago

Hello Amrit, I’m so sorry your Daschund is not well. I’m sure you are very worried. Perhaps you should ask your Vet to carry out some blood tests and an Ultrasound to determine what the problem is. If by chance cancer is again present your best option would be a referral to an Oncologist. They would be able to tell you what treatment options are available. I do hope this is not the case and your dog fully recovers. Please do act quickly though for obvious reasons. Sending best wishes.