Good morning pawbly- Writing because I know that stainless steel is the best option for food…

Good morning pawbly-
Writing because I know that stainless steel is the best option for food dishes. The issue is, both of my boys have stopped eating out of their stainless bowls. Not at the same time…first Butch wouldn’t eat out of it. That started about a year ago. He would go to eat and then stop and look at me. I would take the bowl out of his feeder (we built raised ones) and then he would eat. Then he refused that way after awhile. The steel bowl would scrape along the floor, so I bought a rubber bottomed plastic one as I did not find a stainless one with a rubber bottom. Then he got finicky about that one too! My husband would dump the dish on the floor and then he would eat it. I wouldn’t dump it, and eventually Butch would eat. Then recently Dierks decided he wasn’t going to eat out of his bowl. Same deal-same bowl switch- same situation- dump the bowl, then he would eat it. I’m not having them eat off of the floor. Dish soap has not changed. I’ve been leaving treats in the stainless bowls, and of course, they eat those.

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7 years ago

Are the bowls cleaned after every meal?

7 years ago

Maybe they don’t like the noise or the feel of the steel?

Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

Seems the pups have gotten afraid of their own belongings. You can change to ceramic. But I would try very hard to also get them comfortable around the old bowls by feeding next to them, using a feeding mat, or using the bowls in a different area of the home (like outiside with treats or toys or water). I just don’t like to get fearful pets as they often evolve into other fears. Very best of luck. Let us know what happens.
Love you Sarah!!