Morning Pawbly friends!! I wanted to try trick training with one of our GSDs- Rontu. Any …

Morning Pawbly friends!! I wanted to try trick training with one of our GSDs- Rontu. Any advice on where to start?

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4 years ago

Hiya! If you do well with book guidance, Kyra Sundance is the way to go. Her books are fantastic. If you do better with video or in-person instruction, I can absolutely recommend the Fenzi Dog Sports Academy online. They have levels of training, and bronze is the most affordable. I STRONGLY recommend them for all sorts of things. I’m actually going to sign Ripley and I up for Nosework through them…and right now is enrollment! Classes start April 1.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sarah

He’s a smart kid. Definitely work that brain! You know that’s one of my favorite things for dogs behaving badly. 🙂

Look into nosework. Minimal physical effort for you, TONS OF MENTAL WORK for him. Everybody wins. Plus the AKC now has nosework competitions, which are a lot cheaper than the other nosework orgs out there.