Good morning pawbly friends. Looking for advice on feeding multiple dogs at once. Feeding time…

Good morning pawbly friends. Looking for advice on feeding multiple dogs at once. Feeding time has never been an issue before, but we’ve only had two at a time. We have a third now and it is proving to be a little hairy at times. Part if the issue is my senior guy doesn’t eat well, so I’ve been sitting with him and hand feeding. Our newest rescue, and it is VERY early days, isn’t really eating normally yet either, so I have to kind if watch him as well so our remaining dog doesn’t go and eat his food…. he’s getting better as he learns the routine, so I’m sure that will work itself out shortly. In the meantime, it’s a challenge. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks??

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6 years ago

Separate them. I would crate feed, to be quite honest. This allows each dog to relax after a meal (which is ideal to avoid bloat). If you can’t crate feed for whatever reason, separate into different rooms.

Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

I agree with Laura. It’s the only safe and sane way to watch multiple dogs AND avoid them from focusing or fearing the others. It just keeps the meal time calm and manageable which is exactly what they need. Xox