I moved my 10 year old boxer to Chicago about 2 years ago and discovered…

I moved my 10 year old boxer to Chicago about 2 years ago and discovered she becomes very anxious and afraid when a train passes by overhead. I think it’s mostly the loud thundering noise. She gets very wide-eyed as the train approaches and the noise increases, then attempts to get as low to the ground as possible and “army crawl” away. I now am moving to a new apartment in the city that is directly next to an elevated train track. The interior of the apartment is very well insulated so the trains can barely be heard, but her most nearby grassy “potty spot” is directly below the tracks. I am scared that taking her out, especially in the mornings when the trains run every couple minutes, will be very damaging to her in her old age. I’ve attempted to pet and talk calmy to her while the trains pass, with little to no success. What can I do to help her get over her anxiety/fear of the noisy trains as they pass?

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8 years ago

RIP Dr. Yin.

Would this be the same as counter conditioning to thunderstorms? I want to start working with my MIL’s dog – she FREAKS when a storm comes.