My 1.5 year old high energy goldendoodle had her front leg amputated almost 3 weeks ago due to …

My 1.5 year old high energy goldendoodle had her front leg amputated almost 3 weeks ago due to a brachial plexus injury. She developed a seroma that was confirmed by the surgeon and she said warm compresses and rest. I have read that these can take weeks to go away and the only way to keep my girl quiet is trazadone, otherwise she wants to run around and play (and due to the amputation, she hops). Is there anything else i can do to speed up the absorption of the seroma?

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Krista Magnifico
5 months ago


I don’t know of anything. I feel that the more you do to annoy or fuss with it the more delayed it gets in being reabsorbed.