My 11 month old has thrown up a small amount of clear foamy liquid twice. She did …

My 11 month old has thrown up a small amount of clear foamy liquid twice. She did the same thin about a week ago. She’s behaving like normal with exception to food. She’s not hungry for her food first thing in the morning (but will beg for everyone else’s) she’s always been a very enthusiastic eater. She’s also been whining off and on. I thought it was a new signal to go out because it’s very intermittent, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. I’m going for indigestion maybe? She prefers to rest in her crate now (before it was anywhere I am). She’s a bully breed and a puppy so I’m hoping it’s simple and not something she got her lips on. Maybe I should run her to the vet? I just hate to waste their time if it sounds like I’m overly worried.

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Krista Magnifico
3 months ago

Ordinarily I don’t get overly worried about an episode of acute vomiting but I don’t know anything about your dog. Important things to help assuage my concerns are knowing that your pup had all of their vaccines, is on a good food and is current on their preventatives. I also want to know that your pup has had a fecal checked at the vets office.
If your pups vomiting continues or their attitude changes please see a vet.