My 11 year old sons dog lost use of his back legs on thanksgiving night . The emergency …

My 11 year old sons dog lost use of his back legs on thanksgiving night . The emergency vet said it was a disc in his back . I am in WV is there any way to get help with getting surgery it is way more than I can afford .

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4 years ago

Hello. I am so sorry that you and your son are going through this. Have you by any chance had time to phone your regular vet rather than just have the ER vet assist you. Your primary vet may be able to help you find a more affordable option????Sometimes there are more than one option for treatment depending upon the situation. Also- depending on the diagnosis and cause- you might be able to find help online via YouTube. What kind of dog is it? What was the diagnosis? What surgery are they suggesting? What X-rays were taken? Did you have… Read more »