My 11 year old yorkie began trembling and having trouble walking 8 days ago. I took her to …

My 11 year old yorkie began trembling and having trouble walking 8 days ago. I took her to the vet the next day and she suspected IVDD. She put her on a pain reliever, prednasolome, and a muscle relaxer. She could still walk a bit when she went outside to go potty. 3 days ago she started to have extreme pain in her left shoulder/neck. She completely stopped walking but she tries and can stand and sit, but she falls over. I took her back to the vet and had an x ray done. They showed that the vertebrae between the neck and shoulder was very messed up. They kept her on the same meds. Is there hope for her? She is extremely healthy and fit. She is not over weight and was still very playful. She starts shaking and her neck muscles tighten and start twitching about 4 hours after I have given her the muscle relaxer, and she takes it every 12 hours so she is very tight for hours! What can I do for her? We cannot afford an MRI although wish we could. Also how often do I move her during the night? Thank you!

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4 years ago

Hello- so sorry that you and your pup are going through this. If you look up on YouTube, Dr. Magnifico has posted a lot on ivdd. You may be able to find some valuable advice from her. Hoping that she see your post here- she’s very knowledgeable and will hopefully be able to offer some tips on how to help. Best of luck ????????